Finer Versions for the Customer Service Solution

Even today, corporate customer service is considered an important item of expenditure, while this department should be seen as a true creator of wealth and value. When we see the importance that customer relationships take in the success or failure of a business, it would be dangerous not to rethink the vision of customer service.

Customer service = After-sales service?

Many companies still believe that customer service is simply a question of after-sales service. This way of thinking may have been enough a few years ago, but consumption patterns have evolved , and so have consumers. In case of Customer Service Solution this is very important.

The current strategies of companies are still generally very oriented towards a relatively limited vision of customer service, although mentalities are gradually changing. Indeed, this service is still too often assimilated to an after-sales service (and as a large expense item) which has the sole mission of solving problems, while customer relations are much more than that.

  • In addition, the image returned can have a negative connotation since consumers only contact the company when something goes wrong. And obviously, giving a negative image is not a priori the objective of a company.
  • Of course, customer service plays a key role in solving the difficulties that consumers may encounter when ordering or when using a service. But today, the challenges related to customer service have become enormous and much broader, and consumers' expectations of this service have also changed considerably.

Customer service, a key success factor

So finally, what is customer service? Customer service is the link between the company and the consumer . It is through this service that consumers will be able to communicate directly with the company, provide them with information, express their feelings, etc. Yes, but how? By accompanying all visitors throughout their navigation, their order, their delivery, and of course after receiving their package or using the service. Generating data to understand and anticipate the expectations and needs of visitors is a mission of customer service. And when this is the case, it is a real gold mine that can open up to the company, if it decides to exploit this potential.

We can clearly see that the goal of customer service is no longer to respond only to the difficulties encountered during delivery or use, but also and above all to support the visitor in their purchasing journey. Customer service is geared towards the customer and his interests.


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